LEGENDS by John Munnelly from CD Hello World

You are experiencing your life like no other ever has
There is no-one like you nor ever will there be
You are the absolute hero of this first person story
This song is about you and how you have survived, overcome obstacles in your life and now – you are legend.-John Munnelly

John Munnelly has released one of the catchiest pop/rock song so far with Legends. It’s a track that makes you want to hit the playback button after it is done. He is the master of hooks and cool lyrics. An album is coming out and this is just the taster of the amazing music that will happen, So stay tuned for more of John.

According to John:

This particular video is the most exciting we have made so far. Some of the animation was created by myself and stop motion by my collaborator and Director of Photography, Greg DeLiso. We also got some amazing performance shots on the Brooklyn Bridge – thanks New York!

Download Legends here: http://johnmunnellymusic.com/store/






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