Running Away From It All With Twist To Break Seal

Twist To Break Seal

Twist To Break Seal

Do you sometimes get that feeling that it will only get worse? So you run for your life. And some of us are running for many reasons. I am running away from my life, in order to keep sanity but that is a long story. Whatever the reasons are, this song is a perfect soundtrack for these moments that are skewed. These five artists that make up the Mumbai-based alternative rock band Twist to Break Seal are getting their creativity together to create funky songs with aggressive vocals and matured musicianship. I am really enjoying whatever new tracks they release and this song called I Ran is no exception. The video is fantastic and has a world-class appeal. The song  itself has a universal sound that transcend geography, race and age.

If you happen to be surfing the web, don’t forget to like their facebook page and say hi. The band guitarist Pratyush is a friend!

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